RIBEYE competes with the GTP-binding protein Arf1 for binding to ArfGAP3. as shown by multiple, impartial methods. ArfGAP3 binds to RIBEYE(B)-domain name in an NAD(H)-dependent manner. The conversation is redox sensitive because NADH is usually more efficient than the oxidized NAD+ in BIBS39 promoting ArfGAP3-RIBEYE conversation. RIBEYE competes with the GTP-binding protein Arf1 for binding BIBS39 to ArfGAP3. Thus, binding of RIBEYE(B) to ArfGAP3 could prevent inactivation of Arf1 by ArfGAP3 and provides the synaptic ribbon with the possibility to control Arf1 function. The conversation is relevant for endocytic vesicle trafficking because overexpression of ArfGAP3 in photoreceptors strongly inhibited endocytotic…