In the WR group, body weight, body fat and FFM significantly decreased after weight reduction (p<0

In the WR group, body weight, body fat and FFM significantly decreased after weight reduction (p<0.001, p<0.05 and p<0.05, respectively). control group but the decrease was not significant. SOA significantly increased in TC-H 106 the control group (p<0.05), but showed no significant switch in the WR group. Conclusions The changes in TC-H 106 the WR group were probably a direct consequence of the excess weight\reduction regimen coupled with the exercise regimen, suggesting that neutrophil parameters (ROS production, PA and SOA) experienced tended to deviate from their common compensatory changes to maintain immune system homoeostasis. Neutrophils are cellular factors in the host which have an important role as the first line of defence against invading foreign substances including microorganisms. Neutrophils engulf microorganisms (phagocytic activity, PA) and produce reactive oxygen species (ROS).1,2 Serum opsonic activity (SOA) contributes to this microbicidal activity through opsonisation of microorganismsthat is, acceleration of adhesion of neutrophils to opsonised substances via IgG, C3 and others. Although appropriate levels of ROS from neutrophils can eliminate invading microorganisms,3,4 at higher levels, on the other hand, ROS can cause oxidative damage to normal body tissues and organs.5,6 You will find many studies that have examined the effect of exercise and sports including judo on neutrophils and neutrophil\related functions. However, only three studies have reported on the relationship between weight reduction and SOA (one of the neutrophil\related functions) in university judoists.7,8,9 Mochida et al10 reported that athletic training\induced changes TC-H 106 in immune functional activities of neutrophils and related factors, such as ROS production, PA and SOA, may compensate for each other to maintain the overall integrity of the neutrophil immune function. A study examining the same three neutrophil\related components after a period of pre\competition compulsory weight reduction in judoists would therefore be of interest. In this study, we simultaneously measured three major neutrophil functionsnamely, ROS production capability, PA and SOA, in female university judoist during weight reduction. Subjects and methods Research object and period The study subjects comprised 16 Japanese female judoists who were taking part in a competition in June 2000. Eight subjects who required weight reduction to meet their class requirements were defined as the weight reduction (WR) group, and eight subjects without a need for weight reduction were defined as the control group. The assessments were performed on the first (pre\values) and last (post\values) days of a 20\day period just before a competition, the second and final assessment being carried out on the morning of the day before the competition. The physical characteristics of the16 subjects were as follows: mean (SD) height, 162.3 (8.3)?cm; body weight, 65.3 (8.3)?kg; percentage of body fat, 20.7% (3.2%); quantity of body fat, 13.8 (3.6)?kg; and fat\free body ADRBK1 mass (FFM), 51.4 (3.6)?kg. Approval for the study was obtained from the ethics committee of Hirosaki University School of Medicine, Aomori, Japan. The study protocol and purpose were explained to all subjects, and written informed consent was obtained from all of them before the study. Research content Measurement of the physical characterisitcs of all subjects (weight, TC-H 106 body density, percentage of body fat, quantity of body fat and fat\free body mass) was performed on days 1 and 20 under fasting conditions early in the morning before training, and blood samples were collected for the TC-H 106 blood biochemistry assay, including ROS and PA (measured by flow cytometry) and SOA (measured by the luminol\dependent chemiluminescence method). The dietary intake of the subjects during the research period was also investigated. Weekly training programme during the research period All subjects performed their usual weekly practice regimen during the research period, after having rested for 2?weeks beforehand. Table 1?1 shows the weekly regimen in detail. It consisted of 6?days of exercise, alternating running (distance and sprinting) and weight training in the mornings, judo practice in the afternoons, and 1?day of rest. The 2 2??h judo practice, which is classed as intermittent anaerobic exercise, consisted of warm\up (stretching) for 15?min; uchikomi (the same technique practiced repeatedly, such as throw\down, push\down and hook\down) for 20?min; randori (exercise training in the form of mini\matches) for 100?min; and.

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