Rodlet cells in the caudal region of the intestine showed comparable cytoplasmic granulation (Fig

Rodlet cells in the caudal region of the intestine showed comparable cytoplasmic granulation (Fig. Mallory trichrome stains. Rodlet cells were immunostained positively against TNF- and S100 antibodies, indicating that they have an immune function. Conclusions: Rodlet cells, with their neutral glycoprotein secretions, play a crucial role in the immunity of Binni fish intestine. 0.05). Different capital letters represent a significant difference between rows ( 0.05). Open in a separate window Physique 1. Photomicrograph of the crypt of the caudal portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Goblet cells and (B) rodlet cells (H & E stain, 400). Open in a separate window Physique 2. Photomicrograph of the epithelial layer in the middle portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Granular rodlet cell, (B) vesicular rodlet cell, and (C) mature rodlet cell (MyT stain, 400). rodlet granules react to PAS staining in all stages (Fig. 3), with different staining reactions to combined AB plus PAS (Fig. 4). Contrary to the mature stage, the vesicular stage had no affinity for it. The MnT exhibited cytoplasmic granulation of rodlet cells (Fig. 5). In the granular and Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin mature stages, rodlet granules reacted to both stains (AB and PAS) (Fig. 4). This variation could be attributed to the different secretions produced by rodlet cells in the different stages. The SO stained the rodlet granules in the vascular and mature stages (Fig. 6). Rodlet cells in the caudal region of the intestine showed comparable cytoplasmic granulation (Fig. 7) and did not stain with AB (Fig. 8). TNF- and S100 protein immunoreactivities were found in mature rodlet cells (Fig. 9). Open in a separate window Physique 3. Photomicrograph of the middle portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Epithelium, (B) Nuclei of enterocytes, (C) Goblet cell, (D) Mature rodlet cells, (E) Basement membrane, Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin and (F) Lamina propria (PAS stain, 100). Open in a separate window Physique 4. Photomicrograph of the epithelium of the cranial portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Granular rodlet cell, (B) Mature rodlet cell, and (C) Goblet cells (combined AB and PAS stain, 400). Open in a separate window Physique 5. Photomicrograph of the crypt in the cranial portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Nucleus of enterocytes, (B) Goblet cells, and (C) Rodlet cell (Masson trichrome stain, 400). Open in a separate window Physique 6. Photomicrograph of the epithelium in the middle portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Epithelium, (B) Goblet cells; (C) Vesicular rodlet cell, and (D) Mature rodlet cell (Safranian O stain, 400). Open in a separate window Physique 7. Photomicrograph of villi of the caudal portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Epithelium, (B) Nucleus of enterocytes, (C) Goblet cells, (D) Rodlet cell, (E) Basement membrane, and (F) Lamina propria (Masson trichrome stain, 200). Open in a separate window Physique 8. Photomicrograph of the crypt of the middle portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Crypts, (B) Goblets, (C) Rodlet cells (AB stain, 100). Open in a separate window Physique 9. Photomicrograph shows the rodlet cells immunoreactivity to S100 protein antibody in the cranial portion of the intestine of Binni fish ( em M. sharpeyi /em ). (A) Granular rodlet cells and (B) Goblet cell (1,000). Discussion Standard conventional stains can Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin differentiate rodlet cells into different stages, e.g., H&E, PAS, AB plus PAS, SO, Giemsa, MyT, and MnT. This study showed three distinct phases of rodlet cells in the intestine of Binni fish: vesicular, granular, and mature. This was consistent with Bosi et al. [17], arguing that many rodlet cells can be found in the intestinal epithelium of healthy em Anguilla anguilla /em . On the other hand, Abd-Elhafeez and Soliman [20] recorded six categories of endogenous rodlet cells in various organs of ruby shark fish. Common rodlet Rabbit Polyclonal to IKK-gamma cells were detected 5, 6, 8, and 14 days postfertilization in the intestine, the kidneys, the abdominal cavity among the mesothelial cells, and gills, respectively [1,8]. The endogenous origin of these.

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