Urine pH is normally greater than 7. Underlying anatomical abnormalities that predispose patients to recurrent kidney infections should be sought and corrected. are the hypersaturation of urine, the lack of inhibitors of nucleosis and probably the organic substrate. In order for the increase in size and the incorporation of crystals to take place, hypersaturation, the lack of inhibitors, the organic substrate and the epitaxis, during which crystals of a substance are attached to the surface of other crystals of a different chemical structure (e.g. crystals of oxalic calcium onto crystals of uric acid) are needed. Various molecules have been found in urine, which modify to an important degree the adherence of crystals to the surface of epithelial cells. It also seems very likely that certain reactions of renal epithelial cells that follow the uptake of calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) crystals are due to oxalate ions, which are released during the process of deconstruction of the intracellular crystals. From here, the crystals migrate in the median tissue, where an inflammatory reaction takes place and finally the crystals are destroyed. Macrophages gather in the crystals of the median tissue. The osteopontin which is related to the crystals acts as a chemotactic factor for the macrophages and therefore is perhaps involved in this process too. The uptake Tivozanib (AV-951) of crystals appears to be subjected to regulating mechanisms, as molecules which regulate the endocytosis of COM crystals, a process that is related to changes in the special components of the cytoskeleton, have been observed. In conclusion, Tivozanib (AV-951) the processes of Tivozanib (AV-951) adherence and of endocytosis promote the detention of crystals in the nephron, whilst intracellular deconstruction is an important factor of defence against the deposition of calcium in the kidney. and is not capable of splitting urea and, therefore, is not associated with sturvite stones. Urine pH is typically greater than 7. Underlying anatomical abnormalities that predispose patients to recurrent kidney infections should be sought and corrected. UTI does not resolve until stone is removed entirely. Inhibitors of stone formation Various studies have proposed another mechanism by which crystals are retained in the kidney: It has been shown that COM crystals connect rapidly with the surface of renal epithelial cells, which endocytose them26. The surface of these COM crystals behaves as if positively charged, whilst the lumenal surface of the epithelial cells of the tubules behaves as Rabbit polyclonal to STAT1 if negatively charged. Therefore this adherence is due to reactions of electrical Tivozanib (AV-951) charge. Anionic molecules have been found on the surface of epithelial cells and act as COM crystal receptors27,28. However, in the urine of the tubules anions in dissolution exist, adhered to the surface of crystals, preventing them connecting with the epithelial cells29. Changes in the quantity and the structure of specialized anionic molecules that are expressed on the surface of the epithelial cells of the tubules or those that are found in dissolution in the urine influence the adherence of crystals to cells, therefore participating in urolithiasis. In order to study more clearly the reaction between renal epithelial cells and crystals, cellular cultures of renal epithelial cells of the ape (BSC-1-line) have been developed, to which radio labelled COM crystals have been added. The adherence of crystals to the surface of epithelial cells is observed within 15 seconds and is completed within 30 seconds. The addition of larger numbers of crystals results in a linear correlation with the connection of these crystals. The same phenomenon of adherence of cells has also been observed in cultures of renal epithelial cells of dogs (MDCK line) and in cultures of fibroblasts26. It has also been shown that a large number of cells hold on to COM crystals with a preferential rate 10 times greater than to brushite (phosphoric calcium). Consequently, the adherence of COM crystals in the cultures of renal epithelial cells is fast and specialized, thus showing the existence of kinship between these crystals and the surface of epithelial cells. Molecules inhibiting lithiasis in the urine Various molecules have been found in urine, which.